Trunk or Treat was created as a fun, safe, and convenient way for children and families to celebrate Halloween and trick or treat in one location. Eagle Creek residents, businesses, and organizations decorate their vehicles with a Halloween theme and pass out goodies to children. Children can walk from trunk to trunk to look at the decorations and receive candy and other treats.

This Halloween event also includes bounce houses, a Hay ride, mini pumpkin patch, DJ, popcorn, costume parade, costume contest, and games!

Trunk or Treat Participant Rules: 

1. Participants should be aware that children of all ages are expected to attend this event. Please avoid overly-scary displays and costumes.
2. Participants are welcome to promote their businesses at this event as well as hand out goodies promoting their business.
3. Promotional items given away should be appropriate for children.
4. ABSOLUTELY NO HOMEMADE FOOD ITEMS are allowed to be distributed.
5. All items must be individually wrapped in sealed manufacturer wrapping.
6. We anticipate 200+ children will attend this free event. Please be sure to bring enough candy and prizes.
7. The event begins at 5 p.m. For safety purposes, all participating vehicles must stay at the event until the event ends at 8 p.m.

If you would like to participate in this fun-filled event, please email to reserve your spot!